Week 5 reflection

There were a few ideas mentioned in this week's reading that made me think of how I plan and approach my teaching. I really liked the backward design method of planning. This technique made me think of how I prepare for a specific lesson or topic. I utilize the backward designing method with my high school concert band class. When we are developing a piece of music that has an unfamiliar key signature rhythmic figure, I work backward to plan for my students. I would first identify the new topic or topics, prepare an assessment, then design a way to introduce the topic. 

Another topic from the reading this week that made me think of my teaching experiences was the discussion of the music learning activity types. The musical application example using Peter and the Wolf in a general music setting made me reflect on my time as a general music teacher. I had a unit on the instruments of the orchestra and the instruments that were used in Peter and the Wolf. I incorporated technology by using the CD recording, the storybook, and a DVD to help my students identify the instruments and their sounds. Looking back, I wish I would have read this chapter when I was teaching general music because their method discussed in the reading seemed like a very efficient way of explaining that lesson. 
