Week 6 reflection

The reading this week made me reflect on my first teaching position. The example story with the first year teacher Elizabeth was similar to the way that I started my career. In the chapter, Elizabeth focused on choral conducting and her personal vocal development in her undergraduate studies. Elizabeth didn't expect to get a job teaching anything other than choral classes. I can relate to Elizabeth's situation because I went through the same thing at my first position.

When I was getting my undergraduate degree, I wanted to be a high school band teacher and only a high school band teacher.  I had no interest in teaching middle school instrumental, vocal, or general music. I especially didn't want to teach elementary aged students. After I graduated in the fall semester from my university, I looked for a teaching position for around six or seven months. One day I received a call from a local area principal at a tiny rural school asking me to come in an interview. I agreed without hesitation.

During the interview, the principal explained that the position was a high school position but also included high school choir, middle school band and choir, and elementary general music. I, of course, accepted the job because I was desperate to begin my teaching career, and I thought that I would teach at this school for one year and look for a different job. I did eventually find a new teaching job at a school closer to home, ten years later. I never thought that I would be a person who could teach choir or elementary general music. I didn't take any elementary music methods classes during my undergrad. I have also never sung in an official choir before, except during my elementary school programs.

Looking back at those ten years, I learned so much about my profession and about myself. I know that I can teach students about music at any age. I would trade those years for anything now. I had the pleasure to teach some very talented students who have gone on to be amazing young adults.


  1. Hi Allison,
    After reading the text this week, I found myself reflecting back as well. I was primarily a band instructor and accepted a position teaching kindergarten through eighth grade general music. I was somewhat familiar with elementary general music but like Elizabeth, struggled with middle school general music. I can see you also accepted a position that you were not as comfortable with as you wish you had been (at that time, anyway) but eventually acclimated.

    I never thought I would enjoy teaching middle school general music but am now super appreciative of the struggles in the beginning. My "bag of tricks" is now even larger and I feel confident I could take on any position and make it work. I am glad to see it worked out for you as well.

    Thank you for your post!

  2. Isn't it interesting that when we are in undergrad, we have these dreams and ambitions to "only" be a specialized teacher? I remember very early on in my undergraduate degree, a mentor of mine told me that my degree was multi-age k-12. A school district has every right, and most do this often, to put you in a different position, teaching something you never would have expected. As most of us, I too only thought that I would be a high school choir director. I never thought or wanted to be anything else. This expectation did not keep me from doing well in all of my methods courses, because I know in the back of my mind, that I may have to teach something other than choir. Sure enough, when I moved to Chicago, I interviewed for a General Music position at the middle school level. I had no interest in teaching middle school general music, I knew how hard this could have been for me. Luckily it worked out that I would take the choir position instead, however, I would also be teaching general music to pre-k students and elementary. This turned out to be the best thing for my career. I have loved it ever since. Things work out for the best, even when our intentions do not align with reality.


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